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skincare reviews

Products we love: Aromatherapy Associates Support Breathe Essence

Apr 15

A combo of an overnight flight, a lingering cold, jetlag and minimal sleep meant I arrived back from NYC last month feeling really really rough. Like in bed for five days ill (this is rare for me – I will drag myself to my computer in almost any state). My cough and cold symptoms came […]

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Products we love: Botanics All Bright Micellar Water

Mar 15

The last six months has finally seen Micellar waters hitting the UK High Street. Before this it was a purchase you had to save for on-line or take a trip to a French pharmacy to pick up your Bioderma. Botanics All Bright Micellar water is one that has slightly slipped under the radar as it […]

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Treats: A Sisley Facial at Selfridges

Mar 15

  A quick browse around the Selfridges Birmingham beauty floor a couple of weeks ago and I noticed Sisley had a facial week on in the beauty rooms. The beauty brands all have the option to use these rooms to do pop up treatments and the best thing about this is that the £50 treatment […]

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I tried Aldi anti-ageing skincare on your behalf (and I liked it!)

Mar 15

 So, an Aldi skincare review! I was kindly bought this Lacura Anti-Ageing Hyaluronic Gel as a gift from one of my neighbours who thought I’d be interested to try it. Immediately it reminded me of Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Gel at a much more pricey £45 and it has a very similar ingredient list. Simply put, you […]

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Products We Love: Clarins Gentle Exfoliator Review

Feb 15

After reading  Caroline Hiron’s brilliant skincare blog I knew I wanted to invest in a good exfoliating toner and this Clarins one seemed like a good place to start. The Clarins Gentle Exfoliator contains glycolic, salicylic and tartaric acid and these ingredients quite literally ‘gently exfoliate'(!) your face. It leaves my slightly combination skin feeling very refreshed, not dry […]

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Products We Love: A Melting Gel Cleanser for under £5!

Jan 15

I picked this us up at Superdrug when I spotted it was on offer for £3.47! I do enjoy a melting gel cleanser and for that price I couldn’t resist. This is a bit of a dupe of Elemis Melting Cleansing Gel  with a very similar texture. This cleanser doesn’t really have a smell..I haven’t decided if […]

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Products We Love: Caudalie Beauty Elixir – it does everything!

Jan 15

  If you’re into skincare you’ll more than likely have heard (and used) Caudalie Beauty Elixir. In layman’s terms it’s a spray bottle of goodness – ingredients include grape, orange blossom, rose, organic balm mint and rosemary – that you mist on your face whenever you need a pick me up. I use it as […]

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Products We Love: Waitrose Pure Facial Oil

Aug 14

This week we’re raving about a good quality, light non-greasy facial oil you can pick up from a supermarket for under £3! Earlier in the year Waitrose launched it’s own affordable  skincare range, with all the products costing between £1.99 and £2.99. It includes a facial oil, beauty balm and face polish which contains at […]

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Weleda Insight Day

Jun 14

Yesterday we were lucky enough to be invited to one of the Weleda Insight Days. Weleda is an organic, biodynamic, sustainable (and everything else good!) cosmetic and pharmaceutical manufacturer. If you haven’t heard of them then take a look at their website where you will find all you need to know to only ever want […]

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