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Products We Love: Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox Mask


Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox Mask UK Review

After a busy weekend of working, partying and maybe a bit of over-indulging I really felt like I just needed to get all of the bad stuff out of my skin and have a bit of a detox. I decided to try out a new mud mask Jodie recommended by Formula 10.0.6 called Deep Down Detox Ultra-Cleansing Mud Mask with Orange and Bergamot. The smell is heavenly and aesthetically it’s quite pleasing in it’s bright orange tube which is definitely eye-catching!

The product itself is quite rich and creamy. It was easy to apply and I didn’t seem to need much of it to cover my whole face. I have quite sensitive skin so I was expecting a bit of stinging or at least some tingling but it seemed to be okay although I can’t guarantee it will be the same for everyone of course.

Once I’d covered my face I just chilled for 15 minutes and let it work its detoxing magic while I listened to some music.

Like most mud masks it got tighter as it dried on my face and I did notice it start to flake off which is when I washed it off. I used a flannel to remove the product just because I’m not a fan of splashing water at my face and I find it leaves less residue. My skin felt really silky and de-congested once I’d dried it which I found surprising because normally my face feels pretty dry after using a mask and the next day my skin definitely looked and felt healthier.

Overall I was impressed. A very refreshing mask, reasonably priced and easy to use.

Do you have any favourite mud based masks?

Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox Mask is available on Amazon for £11.17 (but lots cheaper in the US)






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